Monday, December 15, 2014

Twitter Bootstrap Test 2014

1. How many validation styles for states of on-form controls does Bootstrap have?
    Ans: 3

2.What does the following HTML code do?
  <span class=”caret”></span>
     Ans: c) It indicates dropdown functionality and direction.

3.What does the following HTML code do?
  <span class=”badge”></span>
     Ans: c) It is highlights new or unread items
4. What is the default amount of time delay between automatically cycling items in a carousel?
    Ans: 5000

5.Which of the following are helper classes?
    Ans: a) .close    c) .caret   d) .clearfix

 6. Which of the following are no Bootstrap plugins?
    Ans: b) tocible d) boilerplate

7. which of the following are not option of the method $().tooltip(options) ?
    Ans: c)  backdrop   d) show

8. Which of the following classes are contextual classes?
    Ans: a) .success   b) .warning   d) .danger

9.Which of the following classes will make tables scroll up horizontally when width of the view   is under 768px?
    Ans:  .table-responsive

10. Which of the following is the default hover background color of the table row?
    Ans: #f5f5f5

11. Which of the following components is used to indicate the current page's location within in a navigational hierarchy?
    Ans: breadcrumbs

12.Which of the following is not a Bootstrap component?
    Ans: Pivottable

13.Which of the following is the correct description of the given table?
<table class=”table”>…</table>

    Ans: It has light padding and only horizontal dividers.

14. Which of the following LESS variables does not belong to the Navbar component?
    Ans:  @navbar-default-height

15.Which of the following statements are correct with regards passing potions?

    Ans: a) Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript.
         c) For data attributes, the option name has to be appended to data-, as in    data-animation=””.

16.Which of the following statements is correct about using the collapse plugin?
A) The Transitions plugin must be included.
B) The popover plugin must be included.

    Ans:  Statement A is true while Statement B is false. t B is true while Statement A is false

17.Which of the following will correctly call a dialog prompt?
    Ans: d) All of these

18.Which of the following will set a modal window to be closed when the escape key is presed?
    Ans: c) Setting the option “keyboard” to true

19.Which of the following will set a modal window to not be closed on click?

   Ans: b) Setting the option “backdrop” to static

20.Which type of trigger cannot be used with the “delay” option to show and hide a popover?
   Ans: d) manual



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